Sara’s Day 10 – Be Alive in the Moment

Oops! See my post from Day 9 for today’s challenge. I got ahead of myself!

So my final thoughts….

My 7th grade son had a basketball game tonight. As I watched him on the court, I noticed a Mother from the opposing team sitting ahead of me. She was very busily snapping photos of her son with her iPhone, then her giant digital camera. Then texting someone, then snapping photos, then showing her friend the photos, then changing accessories on her giant camera, then….it didn’t end! She spent so much time being pre-occupied with her gadgets and conversations that she didn’t spend anytime focusing on the important reason she was there in the first place – her son playing a live game. She spent so much time behind the lens trying to capture the perfect moment, she wasn’t taking in the reality and aliveness of the environment unfolding around her.

Then I realized that sometimes I eat my meals this way – totally pre-occupied with my electronic gadget, or the conversation I’m involved in. Thanks to Dr. Albers, this 10-day challenge has taught me to be alive in the moment – to be mindful of my food choices – to taste, smell, recognize the feeling of fullness, satisfaction, emotional eating, etc. And I am grateful.

So next time you are plowing through your meal without taking in the reality around you, remember the Shutterbug Mom in the bleachers who is missing the moment by being pre-occupied by a different agenda.

It’s been a great 10-days. It’s time to say farewell…..

Be well my friends. Remember to live in the moment and love yourself happy.


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