
Eat.Q. Blogger: Meet Sue!

I lost 52 pounds in 52 weeks by conquering my sugar addiction. I’ve kept off every pound for seven years.

1 Food I Couldn’t Live Without: Do “vegetables” count as one? I rely on vegetables as my go-to food, when I want to feel full or just eat a lot.

1 Food I Hate (and why): Sugar, because of how it controlled my life for so long!

One Goal for the EatQ Challenge: To approach eating from a “softer,” simpler way with some new tools to help keep me fresh and on my toes in maintaining my weight loss.


Eat.Q. Blogger: Meet Christine!

Hi everyone! I am a 32 year old second grade Catholic school teacher! I love my job! Now the food that hangs around the teacher’s lounge and the chocolate hidden in my desk drawers are a very different story!  I also enjoy reading, knitting and scavenging Pinterest!

For as long as I can remember I have had food issues! I celebrate, comfort and soothe with food!  My biggest struggle is my sugar and processed food addiction, which I am currently working to overcome! I have a bucket list and dream book a mile long (waiting until the thinner me emerges to begin checking things off) and I LOVE shoes (they always fit)!

I don’t think I could ever live without french fries and I can’t stand the fishy taste of baked fish! At the end of this 10 day challenge, I desire to have acquired a few more tools to help me look at food as nourishment and not as emotional support!