He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

So, how’s your V-day chocolate stash? Is that heart-shaped box looking a little empty? Whenever I received one of those boxes, I’d set out with a plan to eat one chocolate a day, but then I’d cheat. Maybe the first one was so good, I just had to have another. Or maybe I accidentally chose a chocolate-covered cherry, felt cheated, and had to have another to get the taste out of my mouth (see previous post, Hey! You Got Fruit in My Chocolate!). Regardless, that boxful never lasted long.

But I haven’t received Valentines’ chocolates in years. Now, I know you’re thinking, why on earth would I need a gift of chocolates when I have my big bag of goodies from Dr. Albers hiding in my closet? You are correct. This year, it was a no brainer for the hubs.

In previous years, however, he walked a delicate line, and I’d like to publicly apologize for all the angst that must have caused him. Of course we’ve been culturally conditioned to believe chocolate=love, and so, if your partner loves you, would he or she not give you chocolates, especially on that most important of Hallmark holidays?

But, if you’re married to me, there are many questions to consider before making (or not making) such a purchase.

Here’s a sampling of my potential reactions if he does buy me chocolate: What are you doing, trying to sabotage my whole healthful eating plan? Don’t you want me to lose the last of that baby weight? Or have you just quit caring how I look? How could you buy me these chocolates???

Now, if he doesn’t buy me chocolate: Don’t you think I deserve chocolate? Don’t you think I can handle the temptation of having chocolate around? Do you think I’m fat?  Or have you just quit caring how I look? How could you not buy me chocolates???

And so, we made the decision a few years ago that there will be no gifts on Valentine’s Day. There will be love *pretty much* every day. And with the advent of my new chocolate plan, there will be chocolate every day as well, dark chocolate, eaten mindfully, a gift I give myself.

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