Day 1 – Sue

I am an IT Project Leader … and today was just one of THOSE days! I had to lead two large meetings so I was literally racing through the day from breakfast through late afternoon. No chance to apply pacing at breakfast or lunch. But I knew this in advance. No surprise here.

I was in a better position at dinner time to slow down and set my pace. I was watching the evening news with my husband as we ate. Seeing the stories of people affected by the typhoon tragedy in the Philipines made it easy to slow down and appreciate each bite … to be thankful for what I have and to savor each bite.

Tomorrow will be a less hectic day at work, so I’m looking forward to a slower pace for the day … and for each meal 🙂

WIsh me luck!

One Comment

    November 12, 2013 at 9:15 am

    Sue, it’s good you knew you were going to have a hectic day and this didn’t deter you from trying out the new tools for slowing down for your evening meal. I’m anxious to find out how the second day went for you.